Last night I went to bed reading the news about the shooting in the North of Ireland. It occurred in a town called Massereene ... I had never been there but the name rings a bell.
Apparently these two young British soldiers in their early 20's were ordering pizzas, and when the pizza delivery boys opened the door some members of the 'REAL IRA' - a dissident group - opened fire upon the soldiers. They also wounded the pizza delivery boys and then approached the soldiers laying on the ground and shot them execution style.
This is a tragic story for many reasons. First of all, those British kids were just doing what they were told. They were pawns of old fat British lawmakers clinging onto conservative ideals and delusions of the olden days. They were young. They were kids. They shouldn't have been killed.
On the same token, what the media is doing to the perpetrators of this crime is equally horrific. I think this story is being horribly and purposefully framed. The lazy news organizations around the entire world immediately start throwing the terrorism card around without giving us any real investigative journalism. Does anyone ask WHY these people might have shot two soldiers? Does anyone ask WHY British soldiers are in IRELAND? Or, is it just easier to accept it as the status quo ... and is it easier to label criminals and murderers as 'terrorists' because they are upsetting our status quo?
We don't know the full story yet folks.
For example, part of the REAL story is that the British had recently ordered a special unit into the area to spy on the local population.
I think killing and murder is the wrongest of the wrong - I don't care if it is under the guise of war or whatever. But irresponsible journalism is just as bad. And using the word 'terrorism' in situations like this only helps to support an entire system built on a house of cards, ie, the occupation of the North of Ireland.
Look at the picture I attached to this post. I found it attached to an article at CNN.com today. Go ahead and look at it. Versus showing a map of the globe and highlighting where the North of Ireland is located - the media WARP THE MAP to make it look as though the North of Ireland belongs to Britain. They lazily use Google Earth to create the map ... This is the mass media trying to distort reality in order to further the agenda of the British government.
Britain is solely responsible for this so called terrorism and the government should be ashamed for their part in the death of these two boys.
You'd think after so much history - especially that of the 20th century - Britain could have realized one country cannot occupy another country without angering the local population.
Think about recent history:
When America invaded Iraq our leaders told us our soldiers would be greeted as liberators ... with OPEN ARMS. If by open arms they meant 'our soldiers are going to be shot in the face and blown up' then Donny Rumsfeld and the rest of the Bush Administration hit the nail on the head!
When we invaded Afghanistan our leaders told us the population would be so grateful to be rid of the Taliban that we would be greeted with open arms. The Obama administration finally told us the truth which the Bush administration couldn't. WE ARE LOSING IN AFGHANISTAN TOO!
People ... Ireland is under occupation. I have no qualms about saying it. It doesn't matter that the land was seized 600 years ago during a dysphemistically named "War of the Roses." The fact is that while Britain has given over half the world back to their native peoples they remain with their claws sinking deeply into the North of Ireland. Is it proximity? Is it because Ireland has a smaller population and can't throw bodies at the issue as India had once done? It is both of those reasons, and more.
I admit - it is a complicated situation. There are people up in the North that WANT to remain loyal subjects of the British empire. But they are on the wrong side of history. We have seen this before ... the white people in the southern states of America who enacted the Jim Crow laws, for example. Boy, they wanted that PASSIONATELY ... but those bastards were on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.
There are approximately 15 million Irish-Americans in the United States. On St. Paddy's Day there are 300 million Irish-Americans ... it is time we come up with a real solution for that island ... and I think America has to be more involved and I think it is time we pressure Britain to do the right thing.
I find your observations trite and somewhat distasteful.
trite? distasteful? are you serious? Assisting Georgia? Helping an actually known and well respected country such as Ireland is none of the above. It is a necessity. This is not a situation to be ignored just because Russia isn't a suspect. England gets alot of things right, but they are wrong as fuck when it comes to this. Eat an infected ring worm Mr. Anonymous.
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