Friday, March 6, 2009

Pontification Station ...

It's early and I am in the middle of my morning routine - a routine that has become quite nerdy.

I start out reading the headlines from Often times I check out the world section because I like to see what kind of politics are going on in Western Europe. I then go to Reuters to read about financial news (as written by Chinese and Indian interns) - I then go to the Seattle Times web site, the Port Townsend Leader online, sometimes the Irish Times and BBC ... but usually lastly the Oregonian just because I think it is a crap paper and their web site sucks.

But on this morning there was an article by senior commentator Ed Rollins. It was his opinion on why the GOP Rush Limbaugh debate was idiotic. As he pointed out, the republican party has a dismal approval rating at this time and they need NEW ideas.


To make things easy, here is my suggestion. If the republican party has an idea, they need to take that idea, think about it, and come up with the OPPOSITE of that idea and make THAT idea their party policy. For example, Bush Administration memos are now coming out that gave the military infinite search and seizure capabilities in regards to terrorism ... a complete slap in the face to the FOURTH AMENDMENT PEOPLE! They need to take the opposite on that policy.

According to - approximately 100,000 Americans are injured or killed by guns each year including 20,000 children. For years republicans have fought any effort to create stricter gun regulation claiming it would go against the 5th amendment. Yet we have seen that in practice they don't really give a shite about slapping amendments around the kitchen table so again, they need to take the OPPOSITE on that policy. In addition ... do they really think the founding fathers could have ever foreseen an era where mentally ill people would mow down citizens with automatic weapons on an all but monthly basis! I doubt George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Ben Franklin would have ever said "From my cold dead hands ..." (Aaron Burr might have?)

Finally, for years republicans have been denying global climate change. They see no need to change practices that decimate ecosystems ... clear cut forests, clog rivers with debris, drive cars that get 12 miles to the gallon.

They apparently cannot see the BIG picture ... you know, the one where acid rain falls or salmon returns die off setting off chain reactions or our fishing industry is on the verge of collapse in some parts of the world. Or perhaps the one where we give GM billions of dollars because they made big crappy cars for years and then TODAY claim they still may claim bankruptcy!!! What the F did you guys do with all that money?

Why is regulation bad fellas? If industry is allowed to regulate themselves they have ORGIES of spending, law breaking, lying ... and maybe real orgies too ... buuuut on the taxpayer dime!

I have been saying this for years people - the republican party is the party of jackasses. If you find yourself a little conservative ... say you think fiscal conservatism is good ... or you don't like abortions ... or you think there needs to be more morality in Washington - the republican and conservative movements are not for you ... I'm telling you ... you will only be disappointed!


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